Inventory Accuracy: 3 Ways in which you can boost sales and offer a leading customer experience

KFP Blog - August 27, 2019
Improving inventory accuracy may just improve sales, the right technology not only provides a great service to your customers but can secure more sales in-store.
As a retailer, you will want to ensure that you have integrated Retail IT across your entire business. Integrated technology gives you the ability to share in real-time your inventory status across multiple store locations and online. The ability to share this information is crucial for providing a leading customer experience.
Transparent fulfilment from the warehouse to the shop floor will ensure your customers are continuing to come back.
Technology implementation is key to making sure your customer can purchase seamlessly across your retail business. The simple implementation of a click and collect can help you massively with customers who prefer to pay this way. Sometimes, it’s the simplest of things that make the biggest impact in retail. For example, if you can offer a system whereby you can notify a customer through your app that their item is ready for pick up, this saves your customer so much time, as they do not head into your store thinking their item is available when it isn’t.
These are simply technology developments to implement and KFP can certainly help.
Accurate inventory not only helps ensure access to stock in another channel to facilitate a sale, but it also ensures each store maintains the right inventory quantities to support all the demand — from in-store customers as well as other demands on in-store inventory: BOPIS, deliver-from-store, or quick transfers to a nearby store.
Modern applications today either via a mobile app or web app, can help you with setting rules for ordering once your stock reaches a certain level.
We see a lot of our customers using iPad’s on the shop floor and this is great for giving a personalised one-to-one service and having real-time information on stock availability. Giving staff an iPad for taking payments on the shop floor, processing returns, and providing customer support, is a great way to offer a leading service.
Learn about why more retailers are moving towards iPad usage in-store. By visiting our website;
Never say “Sorry, We’re Out Of Stock” Again
If you want to learn about our installation services that can be used to procure, install and support a range of device technology in-store why not get in touch and speak to one of the team today?
Phone: +44 (0) 1235 539101